We think that it might be fun to follow the progress of our new home, the Canvasback Handiranch. This curious title was coined by daughters, Meghan and Meredith, to poke fun at our "no-step entry and wide doorways" - features that are common to senior living. The house is located on Canvasback Circle; and, o
ur new address is:

4841 Canvasback Circle
Appleton, Wisconsin 54913

Sunday, February 20, 2011

new home parade weekend....

Meet Sue Griffin, a new face for all of you watching the blog, but a face that we see often during this home-building process.  Sue is the person who "helps" hold everything together on the office front---she calls us to schedule appointments, keeps us appraised of when we need to "spend" money, greets us when we visit the office, and, we are sure does much more than we know.  Oh, yes, we forgot to mention that Sue is Jack's wife and Brett's mother. Thank you, Sue!

This weekend and next is the Mid-Winter Parade of Homes Show in the Fox Valley.  This parade offers those of us who are building, those who are contemplating building, or those who are just looking at homes, the opportunity to see new, different and creative things that others are doing in their homes.  Some of these houses were custom-built, and others are "spec" homes that are for sale.  All of them are interesting and the tastes and designs are innovative, different  and beautiful.  It gives the prospective home buyer an opportunity to speak to builders and ask questions.  We especially enjoyed the home that Griffin Builders is showing.  It is lovely.

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