We think that it might be fun to follow the progress of our new home, the Canvasback Handiranch. This curious title was coined by daughters, Meghan and Meredith, to poke fun at our "no-step entry and wide doorways" - features that are common to senior living. The house is located on Canvasback Circle; and, o
ur new address is:

4841 Canvasback Circle
Appleton, Wisconsin 54913

Sunday, February 20, 2011

introducing Amy

Here is another new face for you blog watchers.  This is Amy Griffin, Brett's  wife.  She wears many hats in addition to being a wife and mother of three young children.  Among other things, Amy is a realtor and an interior designer who offers help and guidance to those of us who are having Brett build our homes.  Today she is one of the hostesses at the Mid-Winter Parade of Homes for the house that is being shown by Griffin Builders.  Amy is also the chairperson for this year's parade, a monumental job, we are sure.  Thanks, Amy.

Forgot to mention that it is snowing AGAIN---those few nice warmer days spoiled us and made us eager for Spring.  But, hey, this is Wisconsin!

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