We think that it might be fun to follow the progress of our new home, the Canvasback Handiranch. This curious title was coined by daughters, Meghan and Meredith, to poke fun at our "no-step entry and wide doorways" - features that are common to senior living. The house is located on Canvasback Circle; and, o
ur new address is:

4841 Canvasback Circle
Appleton, Wisconsin 54913

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

a busy Wednesday morning....

Meet Erik, one of Brett's workers, who is installing temporary doors so that the house can be locked.  Is he cute or what? (Maybe we'll give him a key!!)

We met David this morning to decide where to put the central vac outlets.  He was very helpful and that task is almost finished. He will be back when the cabinets go in just to finish a few things. 
Jason is one of the electricians.  What a job these guys have!  There must be enough wire in the house to go for miles. We are sure that it all makes sense to them.
Our guy, Jesse, was threading all of those miles of wire through holes and into boxes.  He assures us that it will all work and we trust that it will.  (We gotta have that TV for the Packers next Fall.) Note all of the black markings on the studs.  It looks like a foreign language to us, but they all seem to know what it means.
The plumbing is very important, and Jared is our man.  At least he didn't have to tramp around in mud today.  He, as most of the others working on the house, does things we don't even know about and things that we will never see---we hope .  
Ian, is another electrician from Team Services.  He had to take some of the plastic wire covering out of his teeth so that we could take his photo.  Take care of those teeth; they are gorgeous.
The kitchen is looking good, thanks to Nathan, another electrical guy from Team Services.  As long as the dish washer works, I'm good.
The second Jason relieved Jared in the plumbing department.  When we left him, he was installing the tub in the guest bathroom.  Need I say it again---ya'll come.

We continue to be amazed and awed by everyone that we have met.  Each of them is friendly and willing to answer any question that we have--in addition to being knowledgable about their jobs.  We think this speaks volumes about Brett, who puts all of the pieces together.

We usually try to visit after the men have gone for the day, so that we don't get in their way.  But today was an exception because we had to make a couple of decisions with David from A-1 Vacuum.  This gave us the opportunity to meet more people.  Thanks to each of you!

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