We think that it might be fun to follow the progress of our new home, the Canvasback Handiranch. This curious title was coined by daughters, Meghan and Meredith, to poke fun at our "no-step entry and wide doorways" - features that are common to senior living. The house is located on Canvasback Circle; and, o
ur new address is:

4841 Canvasback Circle
Appleton, Wisconsin 54913

Thursday, April 28, 2011

well, we are moved....sort of

This post was written last Thursday and posted today because---we found the mouse!

We don't mind telling you that these have been some of the most stressful days in our lives.  If it would not have been for our family and some very good friends, we would still be on Melrose.  We need to be "out" by tonight, and we still have a little bit to do---a small amount of cleaning and trash to take to the dump, etc... 

One saving grace in this whole advenure was Kevin's willingness to stay in Appleton on Monday and Tuesday to help when the movers were there.  He did so much for us; we can't thank him enough.  Of course, it rained the entire day that we moved, and it was cold.

When we find our mouse, we will be back on the computer.  When we find our deordorant, we will be easier to be near.  When David finds his razor, he won't look like Jeremiah Johnson.  And, when we find the coffee filters, our coffee money outlay will be less. We could go on and on.  Actually, both of us went back to work today and it was a relief.

We certainly aren't complaining; we feel very fortunate to have been able to make this happen.  It will be nice when we can see over the boxes.  (I am off work tomorrow, and I am also taking off working at the house----I have to watch "the wedding." 

We have no pictures to post---didn't have time to take any.  But, we would like to give a great big "thank you"  to those who were so generous with their time, their vehicles, and their food and some beautiful flowers:

Michelle and Tom Schelble
Fran, Jeff and Kevin Eckes
Shelby and Jeff Knezel
Ada Hall, Michael and Annie Barnes
Meghan and friend, David
Meredith and Kevin
Bonnie Pankratz

On a side note, the four furry friends are doing fairly well.  Reilley finally came out of hiding and has stopped crying.  Sophia has adapted well.  Parker is like a velcro dog and Nigel looks even more confused than usual---we aren't sure if it is the move or brain damage!

As we have said before, Griffin Builders has been nothing less than spectacular throughout this building process, and we thank Brett, Amy, Sue, Jack and their fabulous crew of good looking, talented and helpful men.

More later.....
David and Carole

1 comment:

  1. Pretend we were there to help, please! It all sounds exhausting, but fun. Whoever said a move was easy? It isn't, but in the end it is all just fine. People here move within the community and it shocks me they do it because it is so much work. The key: friends! And you have many. We are so happy for you!
