We think that it might be fun to follow the progress of our new home, the Canvasback Handiranch. This curious title was coined by daughters, Meghan and Meredith, to poke fun at our "no-step entry and wide doorways" - features that are common to senior living. The house is located on Canvasback Circle; and, o
ur new address is:

4841 Canvasback Circle
Appleton, Wisconsin 54913

Thursday, April 28, 2011

well, we are moved....sort of

This post was written last Thursday and posted today because---we found the mouse!

We don't mind telling you that these have been some of the most stressful days in our lives.  If it would not have been for our family and some very good friends, we would still be on Melrose.  We need to be "out" by tonight, and we still have a little bit to do---a small amount of cleaning and trash to take to the dump, etc... 

One saving grace in this whole advenure was Kevin's willingness to stay in Appleton on Monday and Tuesday to help when the movers were there.  He did so much for us; we can't thank him enough.  Of course, it rained the entire day that we moved, and it was cold.

When we find our mouse, we will be back on the computer.  When we find our deordorant, we will be easier to be near.  When David finds his razor, he won't look like Jeremiah Johnson.  And, when we find the coffee filters, our coffee money outlay will be less. We could go on and on.  Actually, both of us went back to work today and it was a relief.

We certainly aren't complaining; we feel very fortunate to have been able to make this happen.  It will be nice when we can see over the boxes.  (I am off work tomorrow, and I am also taking off working at the house----I have to watch "the wedding." 

We have no pictures to post---didn't have time to take any.  But, we would like to give a great big "thank you"  to those who were so generous with their time, their vehicles, and their food and some beautiful flowers:

Michelle and Tom Schelble
Fran, Jeff and Kevin Eckes
Shelby and Jeff Knezel
Ada Hall, Michael and Annie Barnes
Meghan and friend, David
Meredith and Kevin
Bonnie Pankratz

On a side note, the four furry friends are doing fairly well.  Reilley finally came out of hiding and has stopped crying.  Sophia has adapted well.  Parker is like a velcro dog and Nigel looks even more confused than usual---we aren't sure if it is the move or brain damage!

As we have said before, Griffin Builders has been nothing less than spectacular throughout this building process, and we thank Brett, Amy, Sue, Jack and their fabulous crew of good looking, talented and helpful men.

More later.....
David and Carole

Thursday, April 21, 2011

yes, we got snow, snow and more snow...

Who would have thought that the weather man would be correct in his predictions for once?  Who could be wrong so much of the time and still keep his job?  Well, this time he was "right on."  We received about 6-8 inches of wet, heavy snow starting on Tuesday afternoon and it continued through the night into Wednesday.  The trees and shrubs bore the burden; many were bent to the ground, some were uprooted, and some broke off completely. 

We should have given Jeff (who lives down the street) our snowblower years ago. By midnight our drive was cleared and once the snow plow went, the end of the drive was cleared for us as well.  Had we only known....  Jeff does many driveways in the neighborhood over the winter.  This time, he and his son, Kevin, worked from 10 pm until 5:30 am and everyone's drives were cleared.  What a job!

We will say that the snow offered a beautiful scene and it was a fabulous opportunity for picture-taking.  David was at work, so I was left to do the best that I could.  Here are some pictures of a Wisconsin winter wonderland at an inappropriate time of year. 

into the back yard from the deck

the weight of the snow was more than some shrubs could bear

every branch and twig was coated with snow

a beautiful pine trees across the street from us

a trellis near our garage----how can it be so perfect?

a wonderland street scene

Monday, April 18, 2011

7 days until move in....

It seemed, at times, that this move-in date would never come----but it is almost here!  There is a flurry of activity, packing, changing our address, calling the cable people, getting furniture and ovens delivered, and finishing up all of the last-minute details.  We have made a number of trips, hauling boxes and more boxes.  One would think that we were almost finished packing and hauling.  But, every time that we think we have unloaded a closet, drawer or cabinet and we are near the end, oh no, there is another one waiting.  Two Men and a Truck will be here at 8 am on the 26th, and we will be ready.  Meghan, Meredith, Kevin, and many friends will help us on Saturday.  It is supposed to snow AGAIN and we gave our snowblower to Jeff who lives down the street.  The deal is:  if it snows, he has to plow our driveway.

The house numbers and a temporary mailbox are ready.....

and the welcome mat is out. 
There are many Mallards on the pond, but we have seen only one Red Head duck.  Isn't he handsome?

Friday, April 15, 2011

and 9 days to go....

The kitchen is really coming together.  Eight men put their muscles to good use when they moved the cement island top into place.  It is really a piece of art and Kevin Smith from CemArt is the artist. We finally got the refrigerator (without handles---another problem), the range hood is working; now we need some ovens.  They are to come within the next week.

Doug, our resident master woodworker, completed the fireplace surround.  Originally, we thought that we would put some tile around, but Brett's idea of wood has proved to be the better choice, and we are very glad that we took his advice.

One of our very favorite light fixtures is the sconce at the top of the stairs.  There is nothing left to say except that it is beautiful.

"the view"

Mr. VanHandel is in charge of the grading around the house, and that will start today.  We met with the landscaper yesterday and the plans are being drawn, and the lawn will be seeded by the middle of next month.  Having the benefit of the sun (such a change for us), will allow for grasses and flowering plants. Being able to pick flowers for inside the house will be something new for us.  While we have loved the large trees where we now live, we have been limited to shade plants.  Yea, Sun!  (Also looking forward to a small vegetable garden.)

Gene Griffin (Jack's brother) is someone that we have been seeing quite a bit lately.  He does "everything"----runs the Bob Cat, transports unused materials to the warehouse, and generally keeps things in order.  We have enjoyed getting to know him.

Dan, a finish carpenter, also works for Griffin Builders, but he has not worked on this home; he just came to check out the house.  The large house that has kept him busy for the last YEAR is nearly finished.  Then Dan will go to another large home, also being built by Griffin, that will be on the summer Parade of Homes.  It is in an equestrian park north of Appleton---a beautiful setting, and, we are sure, a beautiful home.  

this needs no explanation

The carpet laying is complete--basement stairs.  Thanks, Becky!

As each new thing finds its place, we are excited to see the "next" thing.  We must admit that we have been eager to see this light fixture hung, and it finally happened; this is over the dining table.  Wow!

a more complete picture of the kitchen, sans ovens.

This is very a close-up view of the cement island top; it is amazing with metal shavings from the scrap pile and other pieces of amber, black, grey and clear glass; all polished and smooth.

Doug hung the front entry door yesterday.  We need to finalize the color of the outside----another decision.  There are a few things that we need Brett's help to decide---this is one.

There is absolutely everything good to say about Griffin Builders.  We feel so fortunate to have them building our home, and we can't say enough about how much we appreciate their craftsmanship, their attention to detail and their crew.  Many people like to tell you about what a hard process building a home has been for them----delays, workmanship, etc....well,  we can tell you that they did not have Griffin Builders as their builder.  This has been a seamless process from the beginning.  What they say they are going to do and when they  say that they are going to do it, happens.  What few delays we have had have been our fault; either we have made the wrong choice or have given Brett the incorrect information, or purchased something from some place that proved to be less than we had hoped.  But, Brett and Sue are  absolutely unflappable, and they make it work.  Thanks to each and everyone of you on the Griffin team!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

counting down...

the backsplash over the stove and the sink was installed on Friday.  It still needs to be grouted, but we are pleased with the way it looks.

these ovens are going to be replaced, but you get the idea.

the stairs will get covered in the next couple of days, and the stair rail is in progress.  It will have a stainless steel cable about 4 inches apart running through the posts.  And, the floor will get the final finishing coat later this coming week.

The siding is complete, and the garage door goes in on Monday.

The view is wonderful and we are enjoying watching the ducks and the geese.  We will be able to enjoy this view from the 4 season room, the living room and the master bedroom.  What could be better?

The kitchen is coming along, but still needs a few things, like a refrigerator and an island top and doors.

There is still some wiring to be done, grouting on the walls, dishwasher installation, etc...it is fun to watch as each day passes.

The birds are singing, the sky is blue, the temperature is in the 50's and everyone is healthy.  How could we ask for more?

Thursday, April 7, 2011

an almost finished house front...

as you can see, there is some more siding to be added and the "real" front door is not yet installed.  The cement on the garage floor and the front porch was poured today.  The garage door will be installed soon.  

The window on the left is in the guest bedroom and the center window is in a small computer room.

Everything will be backfilled soon, then in the middle of May, they will pour the driveway and entry walk.  They can't be poured sooner because of the Wisconsin weather.  Next will be the lawn.  THEN, we can plant, plant, plant---things that grow in the sun---real flowers that we can pick and real veggies that we can eat.  After all of these years with giant trees and lots of shade, growing some of our own vegetables will be a new adventure for us. We are eager to see how green our thumbs really are!

There is certainly a flurry of activity at the worksite these last few weeks---lots of people working hard to make it all come together for us, and it is!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

moving along...

most of the brick work is finished.  It matches the siding so well; Brett did a great job picking the color. We had no idea about choosing it, so we left it up to him, and he did not disappoint.

all of the appliances came today except the refrigerator; it will come next Monday.  Everything needs to "installed", but having them there is a first step.

The painters are sanding and sealing and varnishing all of the windows and the door ways.  The wood is as smooth as silk and is really beautiful.  The baseboard is in and awaiting the carpet installation.

If the frost is out of the ground, the plan for tomorrow is to pour the cement in the garage and on the front porch.  There are so many new things that happen each day that it is hard for us to wait to go to the house to see what additions have been made.
Keep watching!

Monday, April 4, 2011

a very cold, windy day on Canvasback...

the first of our light fixtures is hanging in the entry way.  We love it!

some of the ceiling fans are hung and this one is in the 4 season room.

Jordan is Josh's (the painter) brother.  All of the painters and wood finishers are working hard to get the windows and door frames stained and varnished.

Today in Wisconsin was very cold and windy.  It is drying up some of the mud, and the snow is rapidly disappearing.  That can't come too soon for us.  The railing is in for the staircase, the trim is being finished in the basement, the pocket doors are installed and everything is moving smoothly.  We thought that the appliances were going to be delivered today, but not the case.  Maybe tomorrow?

Sunday, April 3, 2011

beginning to decorate....

not exactly a "decoration", but we are wondering how Sophia will like her new digs.  She loves to sleep in the sun, and there is plenty of that streaming in through the windows.  We shall see.

we have done a lot of decorating in our heads, but this actually came to fruition--a new headboard for the guest bedroom (it really looks better in real life!)  David designed and built the plywood frame, and together we covered it.  He stapled my fingers only a couple of times!!

we do get siding...

Kenny, known as Darrell, has just finished laying brick for the day....that is why he looks so happy!

another name change, this is Jeremy, but they call him Billy---another of the brick masons. (Don' t you wonder if anyone goes by their given name?)

we have changed our minds on something---for the thousandth time.  The fireplace facing has changed, again....hope to have a better photo soon.

Yes!  Siding....

a lonely goose walking gingerly on thin ice on the pond.  Spring is coming!

Oops, he's not so lonely after all; his friend is sitting on the island.

We received a final plan of what will happen day by day from Sue at Griffin Builders.  Everything is happening quickly now and that is so exciting---light fixtures, mirrors and finished plumbing, the island counter top will be delivered, the central vac will go in, the brick work will be finished, as will the siding, the garage floor will be poured, the final doors will be hung, the fireplace surround will be finished, the carpeting will be installed, the hard wood floors will get their final finish, and the kitchen backsplash will be installed along with the appliances.

It has been a year this month that we started on this amazing journey.  We will admit that, at times, we wondered if it would all come together.  There were certainly periods of uncertainty and delays when it came to selling our current home.  But, once that was all worked out, we got the Griffin family involved and it has been a great experience working with each of them and their team. We feel so fortunate to be able to complete this project and their guidance has helped us in so many ways.  Thank you.

Saturday, April 2, 2011


We were just pranked by Zachary, Marna and Penelope on April 1st.  Please do not take the fire seriously. I can assure you, that at this point, the house is fine and we all had a good laugh. We still do wonder about Bill, however!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Devastating News

By now, most of you have already heard this news from us personally but we thought we should share our story with everyone. It is so hard for us to write this post. Most of you know that we've been dreaming of moving into our own house for years. This project meant so much to us and to our family.

We got a call from the police about 11:30 last night saying there was a fire at the new house. Because it's in a new sub-division with new neighbors, the fire was not reported immediately and the house burned to the ground. We threw on our clothes and rushed to Canvasback Circle. When we drove up, they had the whole street blocked off and the house was surrounded by fire trucks and emergency vehicles. David got close enough to take these two pictures before they told us it wasn't safe to stay.

We spoke with firefighter Jason Stone who drives the pumper truck and is in charge of monitoring hose pressure while they fight a blaze. He guessed the fire started in the basement.

The hot water heater was just installed two days ago by Bill. Remember we didn't know what his specialty was? Well, we do now!

After going down to the station, we met Crystal in the emergency call center. She was the one who took the 911 call. She did a great job.

We met Rachel and Roy this morning and thanked them for making the 911 call that failed to save our house.

Needles to say, we are devastated. We are not sure where to go from here. Some of the tribal rugs we purchased are irreplaceable and we don't know how we are going to replace the stunning facia board. Starting over won't be easy but we promise to take picture of every plumber, every carpenter, every roofer and every electrician who will help us build Canvasback Handiranch 2.

PS - APRIL FOOLS! from the real writers of this post who meant this all in loving jest.