We think that it might be fun to follow the progress of our new home, the Canvasback Handiranch. This curious title was coined by daughters, Meghan and Meredith, to poke fun at our "no-step entry and wide doorways" - features that are common to senior living. The house is located on Canvasback Circle; and, o
ur new address is:

4841 Canvasback Circle
Appleton, Wisconsin 54913

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

a little fabric addition...getting to the decorating

the guest room is nearly finished, so we got a little fabric to help it along---does a headboard sound good?

The days are getting longer and the sun is warmer; we really think that Spring is not far behind.  We do remember however, having some heavy, wet snows in May; so we can't count on this beautiful weather lasting.  People are opening their sun roofs, putting down their rag tops and every baby buggy and dog have had some outside time the last couple of days.  When one lives in Wisconsin, one needs to capture every moment of this glorious weather!  We are doing that too!

1 comment:

  1. Lovely, lovely, lovely. And so exciting! I love the colors, the sunshine and the view!
